Friday, January 10, 2014

Week 1 Reflection

     In our first week back from break we jumped right into the topic of meiosis. In the past few days I have become much more familiar with this topic and its different phases. The process of meiosis is similar to that of mitosis, but the outcomes are much different. I have learned that meiosis has eight steps, broken down into two phases. The second phase features similar steps as the first phase, except it has double the number of cells. Meiosis includes gametes which are sex cells, while mitosis includes somatic cells. I learned that meiosis begins with one diploid cell, and ends with four genetically different haploid cells. Finally, I now know that in the first phase of meiosis there is an exchange of genes called crossing over. Meiosis is a cellular process that is crucial to life, and creates the diversity among humans and many other species on this planet.
Arman Sani #bloggin

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